1977 Classmates
Mitch Kannenberg
Hello Everyone:

I'm still in contact with some of you nuts. Brian Martin, Doug Wells, Keith Raschke, Randy Madden and I had a helluva good time on a week-long fishing trip last year. Lots of interesting emails between us as well. Politics is a very risky subject (we seem to be as polarized as the rest of the country - Doug, Keith and Randy on one side of the political divide - and Brian and I on the other).

Jake, I see you are living in Deutschland. I am going to be in Germany May 10 through May 25 (my third trip - I even speak the language, thanks to Herr Reimer of HHS).

Jake, give me an email soon. I tried to email you through this website, but our home email address is in my wife's name, and I am seldom on the home computer (I get more than enough computer time at work).

Velieght, wir konnen etwas Bier trinken.


PS - Mark R., Chuck H., Brian M. - shall we repeat the trestle adventure?